The Private Life of Books



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The Private Life of Books
With eight illustrations from photographs by Paul Schütze. [24] pp. Designed by Jerry Kelly
3.5 x 5.5 inches
[Upper Montclair, N.J.]
Temporary Culture, 2020
Second edition, one of 1,000 copies printed.
Illustrated card wrappers, french flaps. As new

Six poems by Henry Wessells on reading, memory, books, and the second law of thermodynamics. Photographs by Paul Schütze. Originally published as an artist book in September 2014.
The title poem, read by the author, provides the concluding voiceover in The Booksellers documentary directed by D.W. Young.
Henry Wessells is a writer and antiquarian bookseller. He lives in Montclair, New Jersey.
Paul Schütze is an Australian artist working with sound, image and fragrance. He lives on the Kent coast.

ISBN 0-9764660-8-2 ISBN13 978-0-9764660-8-6

“Suitable for a gentleman-scholar’s waistcoat pocket, for consultation upon occasion, or for the reticules of learned ladies.” — Mark Valentine
“Yes . . . the poems which I liked excessively.” — Barry Humphries

From reviews of the first edition :
“a startling book … beautiful in every way: the words, the images, and the production” — Rebecca Rego Barry, Fine Books & Collections
“marvellously sombre, both in presentation and content. […] This fine, odd, even moving book…” — The Book Collector (Winter 2014).